

Made up of natural herbs to get rid of lice & nits
Spreads evenly in hair & effectively kills lice & nits

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Ayurvedic Oil For Lice

Ayurvedic oil for lice is a natural remedy crafted from herbs, known for its effectiveness in eliminating head lice. It’s made using traditional Ayurvedic principles, offering a gentle and safe solution for treating lice infestations. This special blend not only eradicates lice but also nourishes the scalp, promoting healthy hair growth.

Main Cause Of Head Lice Infestation

Head lice are tiny, crawling-like insects found on the scalp of the head. It sucks blood from the scalp and lays eggs called nits; it gets attached to the hair shafts. It causes itching mainly in the back of the head, neck and behind the ears. The main cause of head lice infestation is head-to-head contact. It is more common in children with more contact with others while playing or sharing their combs or belongings.

Prevention of Head Lice According to Ayurvedic

It is difficult to prevent the spread of head lice among children. Advise the children to avoid head-to-head contact in school or while playing. Also, advise them to avoid sharing combs or their belongings (e.g., brushes, towels, etc.). In simple sentences, we can say, No sharing what touches the hair. Gentle washing or cleaning of hair once a week by using fenugreek paste helps to get rid of dirt, and dust and can help prevent the spread of head lice. It does not mean having head lice is because of an unhygienic environment. Head lice are not caused by poor hygiene.

Ayurvedic Treatment and Remedies for Lice in Hair

According to Ayurveda, good hair health indicates the doshas are balanced. Usually, head lice occur when there is an imbalance in tridoshas. So, the internal and external medicines are there in Ayurveda to normalise the three humours and to treat head lice. Initially, detoxification by purgation, enema and nasal administration of drugs. After that, internal medicines like deworming or purification of blood and external medicines like application of medicated Chooranam (power) or lepanam (medicated paste). Also, pancha karma therapies using ayurvedic medicated oil help treat head lice.

How To Use Ayurvedic Lice Oil?

Apply oil over the scalp and massage thoroughly. Ensure that the oil reaches the entire scalp area and the hair shaft. Leave it for at least 30 minutes. After that, simply comb the hair with a fine tooth comb. While combing lice and nits gets rid of hair. After that, thoroughly wash your hair.

Benefits of Using Ayurvedic Oil for Lice

Are you tired of dealing with pesky lice? Ayurvedic oil might just be the solution you need. Here’s why:

  • Gentle on Scalp: Ayurvedic oils are made from natural ingredients like neem, tea tree, and coconut oil. They soothe your scalp while targeting lice, unlike harsh chemical treatments that can irritate your skin.
  • Effective Treatment: These oils are powerful against lice and their eggs (nits). They work to suffocate and kill lice while making it easier to comb out the nits, helping you get rid of the problem faster.
  • Nourishes Hair and Scalp: Ayurvedic oils don’t just tackle lice; they also nourish your hair and scalp. Ingredients like coconut oil deeply moisturise, leaving your hair soft and shiny while promoting scalp health.
  • Safe for Regular Use: Unlike chemical treatments that can be harsh, Ayurvedic oils are safe for regular use. You can apply them without worrying about damaging your hair or scalp, making them suitable for the whole family.
  • Natural and Environmentally Friendly: Ayurvedic oils are environmentally friendly since they’re made from natural ingredients. You can feel good about using them, knowing they’re gentle on the earth as well as your scalp.
  • Soothing Aroma: Many Ayurvedic oils have a pleasant scent due to the natural ingredients they contain. The therapeutic aroma can help you relax during the lice treatment process, turning it into a more pleasant experience.

Say goodbye to lice and hello to healthy, nourished hair with the goodness of Ayurvedic oil. It’s a natural, effective, and gentle way to tackle lice while caring for your scalp and hair.

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