Sleep Disorder

Siddha Approaches to Insomnia and Sleep Disorders: Understanding the Treatment Methods

What is Insomnia?

Insomnia is a common sleep disorder, also known as sleeplessness or trouble sleeping disorder. It makes it hard for the person to fall asleep, to stay asleep and wake up too early and not at all able to get back to sleep. At last, when the person woke up, they felt very much tired. It gradually affects not only the person’s energy level and mood but also the health conditions, work performance and quality of life.


  1. ACUTE INSOMNIA: Short term insomnia, which means sleeping troubles lasts for only few days or weeks less than 3 months. If acute insomnia persists longer than 3 months, then it can be classified as chronic insomnia. This type occurs as a result of any external cause or life stressor like ant death or illnesses etc…
  2. CHRONIC INSOMNIA: Long term insomnia, in which the person has sleeping difficulties at least 3 days per week for longer than 3 months. In this the person feel distressed and day time sleepiness and attention issues. Lack of sleep at night is severe enough to affect person’s work / school performance as well as their social and family life.


According to Siddha, Insomnia is termed as thookam inmai or nithirai panakam. It is more prevalent in the adolescent age group peoples due to their modified lifestyle, food and activities.

According to Siddha literature, sleep disorders are of nithirainmai which means complete absence of sleep. Anithirai that is hypersomnia. Pakal nithirai – sleep in the daytime which impacts nighttime sleeplessness.

In the Siddha system, there are 14 natural urges or reflexes. Among these, sleep is one of the important factors. These reflexes are considered involuntary reflexes which are not advised to be intact voluntarily, which may lead to health problems. In case of insomnia, it causes heaviness of the head, depression, etc.

Based on Siddha, insomnia is caused due to the imbalance in the vatha dosha. Vatha is responsible for the movement in the body and it helps to regulate the nervous system. When it gets imbalanced, irritability of the mind, anxiety and restlessness occur, thus resulting in insomnia.

So, initially the first line of treatment for insomnia should be normalizing the vatha dosha. After that internal medicines, in which sleep-inducing herbs containing medicines can be prescribed to the patient. Along with that, dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, yoga and meditation can also be recommended to help calm the mind and promote relaxation.

There are certain health tips for improving the quality of sleep, helps to get rid of stress and also acts as immune booster. They are,

  1. Maintain a disciplined sleep schedule
  2. Mindful eating
  3. Oil massage
  4. Pranayama
  5. Practice self-compassion
  6. Regular exercise for good sleep


  • Set a sleep schedule
  • Use bed only for sleep and sex
  • Avoid taking naps
  • Limit caffeine, alcohol and tobacco
  • Early dinner
  • Avoid screen time before bed
  • Keep the bedroom dark and quiet
  • Try relaxing activity (reading a book, taking a warm bath or meditating etc.)


  • Taking warm milk particularly after dinner acts as general sleep stimulant.
  • Turmeric milk definitely will help.
  • Warm water with ghee helps to calm the mind and induce sound sleep.
  • Melatonin rich foods such as tart cherries, tomatoes, pomegranate, grapes, cucumber etc.
  • Green leaves, bananas are also acts as natural relaxant and aids in deep sleep.
  • Magnesium rich foods such as bananas, nuts and seeds, fish, avocados also aid to have sound sleep.
  • Coffee, chocolate, energy drinks
  • Spicy and saturated foods
  • Sugary and junk foods
  • Alcohol
  • High fatty food substances


  • Brahmi – it is a powerful brain tonic. Regular use will induce sleep and also cure insomnia.
  • Ashwagandha – highly effective along with sugar, ghee and warm milk
  • Vasambu – along with insomnia, it is also used in the treatment of various ailments such as epilepsy, headache etc.
  • Jadamanjil – it is a sedative and found high level of neurotransmitters like serotonin. It helps a person to get relief from sleep disorder.
  • Athimadhuram
  • Sankupushpi
  • Poppy Seeds

Siddha Medicine To Treat Insomnia (Sleep Disorders)


  • The cumulative effect of sleep disorders like insomnia have been associated with certain health problems including Poor performances in school or at job
  • Lack of focus / attention may lead to higher risk of accidents while driving motor vehicles
  • Mental health disorder such as anxiety and depression
  • Increases the risk or severity of disease conditions such as high in blood pressure and cardiac diseases.
  • By following proper life style changes, dietary modifications, proper medication, yoga and meditation can help a person to get cure from Insomnia.




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